Fishing has been a longstanding tradition and sport across the world since recorded history began. Whether to help with controlling populations or to feed people, fishing is likely to be around for many more generations to come.
But, not everyone was raised with a pole in their hand. So, for those folks, we are going to go over a few fishing basics. Like they say, ‘Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime’. So, let’s get to helping feed.
Step One; Get The Gear
If you plan on catching fish, you gotta have something to catch them with. Some things, like bait, will come down to the area you will be fishing in and the types of fish that inhabit the area. But, some things, like the rod and reel, are mostly up to your personal preference and budget. You can get a decent setup without completely breaking the bank in the process.
Most any store with a Sporting Goods section will offer fishing equipment, or you can get yours from a specialty store for a wider selection of better quality gear. Again, it isn’t at all necessary to lose an arm and a leg to get yourself casting line and reeling in fish.
Spooling The Line
Once you have the rod, reel, line, and bait, you are going to have to set it all up. Fortunately, it is a fairly simple process that can be easily mastered with some practice.
First, you will have to get the line on the reel spool, which can be done in many different ways depending on the type of reel and is the most difficult part of setting up your fishing pole. Here’s a link on tips for how to string a baitcaster reel, for one example of the process.
Time To Combine The Pole And Reel
Once you have the reel spooled up, it is simply a matter of locking it onto the pole. The vast majority of modern poles have a screw-on locking system that allows you to use any reel on any pole, giving you the freedom to match any combination together and making them extremely simple to switch out.
Simply screw out the bottom ring around the pole and insert the top end of the reel into the top lock ring on the pole, then screw the bottom ring back over the bottom end of the reel and it locks the reel firmly onto the pole. It’s a very simple process, and it adds customization options to any fisherman’s setup.
Now, For A Little Homework
If you want to successfully catch fish, you have to be sure that you are using the right bait in the right places. Some fish species prefer shallow, warmer waters, whereas some species only live in deep, colder lakes, so you have to know what sort of fish you are after to make sure you have the proper bait and line test to catch them.
For example, if you are fishing for larger bass fish, you want to be sure to use bait that is large enough to entice them into biting and that you are in the right type of waters for the bass to thrive. Otherwise, you are not going to catch nearly as many fish, so a little homework goes a long way in the number of bites you get.
Fishing Isn’t For Everyone
Fish make a great source of food and their wild nature and rapid reproduction make them an excellent animal to dine on, not to mention the meat is healthier than other meats. But, not everyone can stomach gutting a fish, and that is okay. But, if you find you enjoy fishing, it can be a lifelong hobby that will bring you endless joy into the future.
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