If you’re looking to save money, in order to save for your future, it’s definitely well worth continuing reading to discover 5 simple money saving tips, which you may not have considered. All of which will make saving for your future a far simpler, more manageable task.
5 Money Saving Tips:
Wait a minimum of 30 days before purchasing a luxury item
If you frequently purchase items such as clothes or shoes, which you never end up using and are prone to impulse shopping, simply get into the habit of waiting 30 full days before making a purchase, which you don’t need but feel that you want.
As over half the time, you won’t even remember the item which you wanted to purchase on a whim, a month later. Furthermore, after a few months, you should find that you’ve saved yourself hundreds of dollars without making a concentrated effort to save money.
Start inviting your friends over to your home more often
How will inviting your friends over to socialize, save you money you may be wondering. The answer is simple, if you hang out with friends at restaurants, bars or cafes, you’ll end up spending hundreds of dollars per month on socializing.
Whereas if you invite your friends over to your house, you’ll be able to spend quality time with your friends without feeling pressured to spend a small fortune on overpriced food and drinks. Instead, why not host a cheap barbecue or invite your friends over to watch an exciting sports match?
Don’t be so fast to throw out old items
As an example, if your favorite pair of jeans has a small rip, instead of throwing out your jeans and purchasing another expensive pair of jeans, use a needle and thread to quickly mend your jeans. As another example, consider hanging on to your current smartphone for an extra year rather than forking out close to a thousand dollars in order to purchase the latest, trendiest smartphone, which will quickly become outdated anyhow.
Get into the habit of drinking water
You may be horrified if you work out how much money you spend on an average month on coffee, soda, and alcoholic beverages. Especially if you purchase two or more barista made coffees on a daily basis. Instead get into the habit of drinking water and both your wallet and your health will thank you for the change. One way to make water more exciting is to squeeze lemon juice into your water bottles or to add ice cubes to your water which contains cut up pieces of fruit such as berries.
Take advantage of free community services and facilities
You’d be a fool not to take advantage of all of the free community services and facilities in your area. As an example, you may be able to borrow DVDs and books for free from your community library.
So no matter why you’re looking to save money, it’s definitely well worth trialing out a few of the excellent money saving tips which are listed above.
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