Drowsy driving is a major problem not only in the United States but in every country. The risk, danger, and often tragic results of drowsy driving are disturbing. Drowsy driving happens when one drives in a state of sleepiness or fatigue. This usually happens when a driver does not have sufficient sleep but it can also happen due to untreated sleep disorders, medications, drinking alcohol, or shift work.
If you drive a semi truck frequently, it’s advisable to get semi truck sleeper accessories and some 42×80 truck mattress sheets stashed in your vehicle. A truck mattress can bring great relief to road-weary muscles and joints while providing you with the much-needed power nap before you get back on the road. Keeping your truck comfortable is key when you are in those long haul drives.
Who’s more likely to drive in a drowsy state?
- Drivers who are sleep deprived.
- Commercial drivers who operate vehicles such as tow trucks, semi trucks, tractor trailers, and buses.
- Shift workers on night shift or long shifts.
- Drivers with untreated sleep disorders such as one where breathing repeatedly stops and starts (sleep apnea).
- Drivers who use medications that make them drowsy.
If you experience any of these warning signs of drowsy driving, pull over to take a short nap or change drivers:
Yawning, blinking or closing eyes frequently.
Difficulty remembering the past few miles driven.
Drifting from your lane.
Simply turning up the radio, rubbing your eyes, leaning forward to drive or opening the window are not effective ways to keep you alert and stave off the sleepiness.
You can still make your semi truck comfortable and take short naps on a comfortable mattress even when you are out on the road. Iowa80.com provides a huge assortment of semi truck bedding, LED lights for semi trucks, truck accessories and parts which you can order online at your fingertips.
To prevent drowsy driving and accident while driving, get seven to eight hours of sleep before driving. Try to avoid driving late at night and driving alone. Get someone to drive with you. If you have to drive alone, get a semi truck bedding for your truck from Iowa 80 semi truck accessories. Drive alert and stay unhurt. Learn the risks of drowsy driving and how to protect yourself.
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