The online casino industry has experienced a massive growth in the past few years and that it’s no secret. The casino websites have been evolving with each significant technological advancement we have seen in the last few years. The evolving technology has molded into the industry and it resulted into one of the most lucrative relationship on the planet. More and more people are getting involved into technology and the features of the online casinos are noticed much more easily. The world of online gaming is dominated by mobile apps and virtual reality tournaments. The simple PC games that we once found them fascinating are eclipsed by this growth of mobile technologies. The 90’s generation of players has remained loyal to the PC gaming, while the newer generations are more interested into VR and mobile apps. On the casino counterpart we do wonder which technology stands to take us to new heights of consumer interests.
IoT Provides a Connection Between People and Mobile Venues
IoT in other words is The Internet of Things. IoT is a network of devices, vehicles, home appliances and other things that deal with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and connectivity. All of these devices are connected, collected and exchanged into data.
IoT is extending the Internet connection beyond the standard devices, such as PCs, laptops, mobile phones and tablets. By being embed to technology, these devices can communicate and interact to one and another with the help of the Internet, after that they are remotely monitored and controlled. With the arrival of driverless vehicles, a branch of IoT, the Internet of Vehicles start to gain attention.
The year of 2017 was an year that steered the growth of online casinos. The growth was possible because of the new technologies. IoT is at the top of the list when it comes to people using technology. The IoT provides a platform where casino providers can connect with their players. This platform has been around for a long time, but with the increased use of mobile devices, the world of online gambling was able to connect much more easily to people. This resulted in a mass growth of the industry.
Today, the mobile devices are the most popular platforms for online games and are continuing to rise in popularity, because new data shows that smartphones are 85% more used for playing social casino games, while the tablet devices are 50% used worldwide with desktops following after. In other words, gamblers will rather play slots, like Book of Ra Online, on their smartphones, followed by tablets, than on their desktops. For the very simple reason that these devices are mobile and they can connect to the Internet either from the mobile service provider or any Wifi around a place.
The connection between IoT and smartphones provides information where online casino providers can monitor the player’s experiences with different games. However, the information collected is beyond just a simple monitoring of which games players enjoy and which games are not so popular.
Smartphones are able to also monitor the physical and emotional reactions of players playing games by using cameras and touch pressure sensors on phones. These can track heart rate, facial expressions and other clues that can give possible reactions people do while playing games. Something that simple surveys cannot do. All this information is collected, stored, then examined and turned into viable data that casinos use through data analytics.
Data Analytics are Important for Online Casinos
Data analytics has been transforming the local and global markets ever since data collection and processing has become available. In the past, companies used information to create advertisements, communicate with people and implemented changes in production. Now, companies don’t have to stick to the traditional methods to be able to listen. With the ability to monitor players, online casinos can detect trends and make changes accordingly to the wishes of the player. The data analytics provide competition on the marker for providers.
In 2018, the custom-made experiences is what the people demand and venues are racing to provide what is possible. The big-game casino providers usually have a upper hand when comes to innovative technology. Tools designed to keep up the need of players, similar to data analytics. These venues have the backing needs in order to be able to conduct researches and be able to create individual experiences which can appeal the audience.
Every online providers uses the data analytics in some way or another to improve the user experience. Even the land-based casino uses some of the data, but online casinos have the advantage when comes to this process. Online providers can change the user experience almost instantly and also have access to more information. Online casinos record every IoT data the players are giving. The games they choose to play, the time they are able to spend on each game, what they like to play and also their personal information are part of the data the online providers gather.
By collection information, online casino providers can discover which games are more popular, in which location they are played and what is the age and the group of players playing these games. The providers can create specific marketing campaigns that provide the needs of each group and making the user experience faster, easier and more enjoyable. Players can log in and enjoy suggested games created for them. Simply put, the data collection helps to create personalisation in every services that the online casino provides.
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