For most of us, our garages are home to a lot of valuable things, including our vehicles. So, it is a bit of a surprise to learn that many of these storage facilities aren’t even locked at night. Just imagine your disappointment when you open the door in the morning to see that most, if not all, of your lovely gear has been stolen. Make no mistake, thieves are always on the lookout for garages with easy access points. Broken doors or windows or even a damaged roof offer a potential access point for them. So, if you have any concerns about the security of your garage, this short article is going to help you to fix them very quickly indeed.
This is rather an obvious place to start but let’s get it covered anyway. This is especially important if your garage has an interior door that connects to your home. You really do not want any thieves using your garage to access you and your family. So get those doors locked and if the locks aren’t up to scratch, invest something into getting them fixed or replaced. If you have a pet door for your dog or cat, it is a good idea to get this sealed as thieves come in all shapes and sizes. Also, always bring your garage door opener into your home and out of view from any prying eyes. You would hate to see that lovely Ford Focus disappear overnight just because you were too lazy to get those doors and locks sorted.
These, all too often, allow thieves a sneak preview of what is hiding behind those walls and doors. So, if at all possible, use some curtains to block out any nosey parkers and ensure that the windows are also in good condition. The same goes for leaving the main garage doors open, passers-by will be tempted to take a quick look and some of them will be back for second helpings a little later. Just think of the effort you put into the next time that you buy a car and start to put more time into keeping it by making sure that your garage is nice and secure all year round.
Thieves really enjoy sneaking around in the dark, it’s the way they get things done. So why not install some really bright security lights to ruin their fun? These work well with your home so extend them to cover the access points for your garage. Invest in a decent set of security lights and ensure they cover all of the important areas that surround your garage. Whilst you are at it, why not install a couple inside your garage with motion sensors? This will be more than enough to discourage the thieves and will give you added peace of mind at the same time.
We’ve suggested 3 well proven tips that will keep your home and garage safe all year-round. Please try all 3 of them and keep those thieves away from your good stuff!
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