How much time do you spend outside? For many Americans, the answer is “not enough!” Experts agree that being outside is good for a person’s mental and physical health. Yet, many Americans spend their days indoors looking at work computers during the day and their own computers and mobile devices at night. That’s not how it’s supposed to be.
So, if you want to get outside more, here’s a tip: Take up an outdoor hobby. Being out in the sunshine shouldn’t be a chore, and the most enjoyable and effective way to make it a habit is to adopt a wonderful new interest. Here are five great options:
Hiking is beautiful in its simplicity. Want to get out into nature? Grab some boots and go!
Well, you’ll need a little bit more than that. Be sure to read up on hiking safety, and don’t forget your 10 essentials when you hit the trail. But aside from some basic know-how, you don’t need much to get started as a hiker. There are tons of trails of all difficulty levels all over this beautiful country, so you’ll have lots of options for working your way up to more challenging hikes, multi-day backpacking trips, and mountaineering.
Guns can be a safe and enjoyable part of your free time. While you can start by building one in your living room with an ar10 kit, they’re just the thing for getting outdoors. Take up hunting, and you’ll find yourself in the woods on many a morning, enjoying the fresh air and the sights and smells of nature.
Plus, guns aren’t just for hunting, of course. Many sportsmen and sportswomen choose to aim their firearms at bulls-eyes and clay pigeons. You’ll find that plenty of great target-shooting ranges are outside, explain the expert manufacturers of target shooting accessories at Caldwell Shooting. From long-range rifle marksmanship to shotgun shooting, there are lots of great options for new and experienced marksmen and women.
Dirt biking
If you want your outdoor hobby to come with a shot of adrenaline, then dirt biking might be for you. Dirt biking is a fast-paced sport that is all about the thrill of speed, sharp turns, bumpy courses, and hang time.
Of course, you’ll want to stay safe — make sure that you stock up on the necessary safety gear and dirt bike accessories, and grow your skill set at your own pace. If you’re smart about dirt biking, it can become a wonderful excuse to get outside and onto the course.
Fishing is a simple and relaxing hobby. As every fisherman and woman knows, though, it will suck you in. All you need to get started fishing is a simple rod-and-reel setup, some bait, and a quiet spot on the water. But, as you get more interested in your new hobby, don’t be surprised if you become obsessed with the finer details in rod construction or become passionate about fly fishing, deep sea fishing, and other unique versions of the sport.
What you get out of fishing is up to you, of course. If you’re looking for a quiet time at the lakeside, you’ll surely find it. If you’re more interested in hiking into the wilderness and fly fishing from the center of a frothing river, though, that’s also an option.
Rock climbing
Rock climbing is a thrilling way to get outside and take in views that are impossible to access any other way. You’ll be scaling rock faces, but don’t be too intimidated: There are rock-climbing areas for all skill levels and it shouldn’t be hard for you to find a rock-climbing gym where you can hone your skills before you attempt something challenging.
Not a fan of heights? You might find bouldering to be more your speed. Bouldering exposes you to relatively short drops at worst; you’ll use a crash pad instead of a harness.
Want new outdoor hobbies? Check out SpeedSofter guns.
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