Above all else during this quarantine it is absolutely essential that you are working on how to stay as healthy as you can. Fitness and mental health experts alike have been speaking out about just how important this is and people like Ayden Hector in particular have been sharing some great tips to keep us all healthy during this difficult time.
It is certainly tempting to get the other way and indulge in alcohol or sweet treats and junk food, but the reality is that we must avoid this temptation and instead focus on making sure that we are as healthy as we can possibly be, and here is why.
The Virus Itself
In the wake of what this virus is doing to so many people it is essential that we are all doing what we can to stay healthy. Those who are losing their lives and those who are having a very tough time with this virus are those who are unhealthy and those who have pre-existing health conditions. It is crystal clear that those who are coping best with this in the main are those who are healthy, and if that is not enough incentive then who knows what is.
Calorie Burning
There are a lot of calories which we burn that we just take for granted because they are burned when we are simply living our lives. Walking to work or out for a coffee, all of these small tasks burn a few calories each time and over the course of a day they really add up. Given that it is much more likely that you are going to be sedentary for a longer period of time now, those calories are not going to be getting burned which is why it is essential that you are able to find some way of replacing them with another exercise that will burn calories.
That Moment
At some point the quarantine is going to be over and we are going to get back to some semblance of ‘normal’ life. When that happens ask yourself what you want people to think about you, do you want them to think ‘wow s/he looks great’ or do you want them thinking ‘wow, someone has put the weight on’? Other people’s opinions aren’t always important but for the most part they are a reflection on how we view ourselves. When that first day comes and you are looking in the mirror picking what to wear, and realizing that nothing fits or you have to squeeze into things, you will regret not having taken care of yourself during the lockdown, especially when there was such a great opportunity to do so.
This is the perfect time for you to focus on looking after your mental and physical health and getting in the perfect position for when all of this is over. Work hard now and you will certainly be thanking yourself later.
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