Your dog’s health is definitely important. As a dog owner, I understand why you would like to have some alternative that could improve your dog’s overall wellness. You want them to live for long, so you can enjoy their company as much as you can.
One of these alternatives is CBD oil treats, but we understand if you’d want to know more about it before taking the risk. That’s why we are going to share with you the many benefits of CBD oil treats for dogs.
But First… What is CBD?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp. This compound is well known for being able to treat conditions like anxiety, muscular pain, Parkinson’s, and many other conditions. It’s important to note that cannabidiol contains little to no THC, the compound that gives cannabis its psychedelic features. Check this for more detailed information.
How Will My Dog React to Them?
Although there are no formal studies on how a dog is affected by CBD oil treats, vets believe that it can actually be pretty beneficial for dogs. Since CBD contains up to 0,3% of THC, your dog won’t get high from consuming it, and the compound is legal throughout the U.S.
According to anecdotal evidence from dog owners using CBD oil treats as a countermeasure for pain, their pets did actually get better. Some even use them to help their doggies fight their canine epilepsy. CBD is also well known for having anti-inflammatory properties, providing cardiac benefits, helping with nausea and anxiety, and for having anti-cancer attributes. You can check petcbdcommunity dog information if you want to know more about this matter.
Benefits of CBD Oil Treats
• Reduces pain.
Several things could potentially hurt your pet, causing lots of pain along the way. If not dealt with correctly, your dog’s distress can make its life really difficult. One of the things that could be alleviated with CBD oil treats is cancer.
Cancer can be genuinely painful since it targets and spreads to different areas of the body. Thank god, CBD can make the pain more bearable for your dog and helps with stuff like nausea, vomiting, and pain caused by inflammation.
The same happens with arthritis, a pretty common problem in big-sized dogs. Since it doesn’t have an actual cure, the best thing you can do is help your dog deal with the pain and inflammation. You should consider giving them these to help them cope with the pain if they suffer from a pain-inducing illness.
• Helps with obesity
Believe it or not, dog obesity is a serious issue. I know a dog looks kind of cute when they are big and fat, but when a dog gains too much weight, they are more likely to develop health problems. And obesity is a great source of joints and ligament problems. Used well, CBD can be used to control your pet’s appetite, making it easier to manage their food intake.
• Helps with skin conditions
If applied to the skin, CBD oil can be a valid alternative to treat skin allergies and is way more gentle to your dog than your regular corticosteroid.
Possible Side Effects
As we already mentioned before, CBD does not contain THC. THC is the individual compound giving cannabis its psychoactive properties. With that said, your dog won’t get high from consuming CBD oil treats.
Are you curious about THC? You can read more here:
Now that we got that out of the way, what are the possible side effects of CBD consuming? Although there’s no scientific proof to say that these side effects can be found in dogs, they are possible side effects. These side effects were observed in humans consuming CBD, so the possibility remains there.
• Dry mouth: A reduction in saliva production was detected in people who consumed CBD oil.
• Low blood pressure: Although the drop in blood pressure was not a big deal, high dose of CBD can cause this side effect, which can also be followed by dizziness.
• Drowsiness: CBD oil is usually consumed to deal with anxiety, but can produce drowsiness if consumed in high doses.
Some other uncommon side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and itchiness.
When it comes to medication, there is always a chance of a reaction. The best logical option when giving your dog something is to start with small amounts and going up. How much you should feed your dog with depends entirely on its weight and size, so you should be really observant when starting to give these treats to your dog, looking for possible side effects.
We especially recommend you to look for 100% natural, organic products and stick to reviews and good brands around. Never go for cheaper products if customers have had bad experiences with them, and if you treasure your doggies wellbeing, go for quality over quantity.
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