When you’re on vacation, you don’t usually consider taking care of yourself. The main focus is to indulge and have fun. However, your body needs some maintenance, especially the more sensitive parts. Your eyes are an excellent example of what needs some special attention. Some situations during a vacation can damage your eyes, especially in tropical environments. Here are some tips that should help take care of them.
Prepare spares and have your prescription
The first thing you should do is prepare spares for your contact lenses or glasses. It can be surprising how glasses or lenses can get lost. However, with a spare ready, you can ensure that you will always be able to see. Additionally, you might need special glasses. For example, prescription goggles are a good choice if you have to go on the water and still want to see clearly. Your prescription is also crucial in emergencies since you might even lose your spares.
Be ready with an eye care bag
Having an eye care bag when traveling is always a good idea. There are a variety of conditions that can strike your eyes while on vacation. For example, when you are on a long flight, there is a tendency for your eyes to go dry. It is thanks to the pressure and the ventilation of aircraft. You’ll need a dry eye relief treatment to ensure you won’t have irritated eyes when you land. Other conditions like red eyes and infections will also need treatment. Having a few eyedrops for allergies and glaucoma can be necessary. Don’t depend on the local pharmacy to have them.
Have the right eye protection gear
You will also need to wear the proper protection for your eyes. Since this is a vacation, you will likely be out in the height of summer, and the sunlight will be bright enough to damage your eyes. That makes using sunglasses important. Never settle for anything less than 100 percent UV protection. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are very damaging, even if you don’t look directly at the sun. Also, choose glasses with the biggest lenses possible to protect your eyes completely.
Clean up properly
Part of protecting your eyes is proper hygiene. It is surprising how many eye conditions come from people touching their eyes with dirty hands. Always do your best to wash your hands before you touch your face to minimize the chance of infection. You should also properly clean your glasses and contact lenses. It is more critical with contact lenses since they have direct contact with your eyes. It is always a good idea to clean your contacts only with the correct lens solutions. Never use water, no matter how clean it looks. There might be microscopic bacteria, which can lead to an infection.
Final thoughts
Eye care is vital for coming home from your vacation with clear eyesight. The tips above should help ensure you can see no matter what happens.
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