They say, one of the most important things to do if you want to take care of your teeth is to get them brushed two times a day. But it doesn’t end there. There are many other facts you need to be aware of if you want strong and healthy teeth. Yes, there are a lot of things about your teeth that you don’t know. Finding a reliable family dentist near by. That being said, the following are just a few of the many pieces of advice your family dentist would want to give you about your teeth:
Problem is Not Determined by Pain Alone
A lot of people just assume that they have no problem with their teeth just because they don’t feel any pain. Well, this is not true. In fact, the only way to detect and prevent issues with your teeth is by dedicatedly visiting your dentist twice a year.
Your Back Teeth are Equally Important
Well, this is something you should know in school but if you brush to keep your smile sparkling. Recently, the family dentist near me said that he finds problems with back teeth that are neglected while brushing.
Floss is Important
And brushing alone is not enough. Remember that floss is not just a fancy tool but something very important that can go a long way in preventing problems with your teeth. Flossing can also go a long way in preventing bad breath.
Your Teeth are Affected by Your Lifestyle
And one of the biggest killers here is the cigarette. So, start chewing the gum meant to help you stop smoking if you care for your teeth. Soda is another dangerous killer that can go a long way in destroying your teeth. So, the next time you are at a party, you may want to think twice before picking the glass of soda drink.
Don’t Rely on Mouthwash
Unless you’re going to greet the queen in a few minutes. The effect of mouthwash does not last long. Instead, it dries the mouth and in fact, leaves bad breath returning in an even stronger way in a matter of a few hours. Floss instead. This is an effective way to prevent bad breath.
Bleaching is Not a Good Idea
Yes, we all want to have a good smile that shows sparkling white teeth but this does not mean that we resort to damaging ways. Bleaching, for one, can go a long way in thinning the enamel of your teeth and thus making it lose its color. So, unless you want translucent teeth, throw away that bleach.
So, while the above is just a few of the many pieces of wisdom your family dentist would share, there is a lot more than you would want to know about and he would be only too happy to guide you with. So, now that you know how much you need to take care of your teeth, here’s hoping for better dental health from today and teeth that will go with you to your golden years.
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