Botox is a very popular treatment option used primarily in the elimination of wrinkles and fold lines on the face. Similarly, Botox can be used in decreasing the level of inflammation caused by psoriasis. Extensive research has been conducted on the issue, and several trials have been done on human beings. The trial data show tremendous hope in the use of Botox as an alternative to ease the inflammation. Botox is popularly known due to its ability to make wrinkles magically disappear using the frozen botulinum bacteria. In the present-day Midtown East Botox is on high demand as many people attempt to verify that, indeed, Botox can be beneficial when used in the treatment of psoriasis.
How Does Botox Work?
In cosmetic dermatology, Botox is used to freeze the skin muscles in order to minimize the skin’s aging speed. When the skin is frozen by the botulinum bacteria, the chemical signs used by the muscles and nerves to communicate are blocked. In recent studies, it has been identified that when the Botox ingredients hinder the communication between nerves and muscles, the inflammation chemicals released by the nerves are also hindered hence reducing the inflammation rate.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a type of skin condition that causes the skin cells to grow at an alarming rate. As a result of the speedy development life cycle, the surface of the skin experiences a rapid build-up of cells. The extra cell layers create scales or become patches that are characterized by pain and itchiness. Psoriasis is considered a chronic illness that develops very fast and rapidly, and it comes and goes regularly. The ideal treatment for psoriasis is one that regulates cell growth to avoid their build-up. There is still no identified cure for psoriasis, but there are effective treatment methods that are used to manage the symptoms. Making some lifestyle changes can also help in increasing the health of the individual, such as better stress management, moisturizing, and quitting smoking.
Types of psoriasis
There are various types of psoriasis based on the skin surface where the skin overgrowth is taking place such as pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, nail psoriasis, scalp psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, and plaque psoriasis.
Signs and Symptoms of psoriasis
The most common signs and symptoms experienced by individuals suffering from psoriasis include red patches on the skin covered with thick silvery scales, soreness, burning, dry and cracked skin, itching, small spots of scaling, stiff joints, swollen joints, ridged nails and pitted nails. The scaling patches caused by psoriasis can vary from a few isolated spots to the huge outburst that cover huge sections of the skin. In most cases, psoriasis will flare for months or several weeks, subside then completely disappear before the cycle is repeated.
When to seek medical attention
Individuals who suspect that they might be suffering from psoriasis should immediately consult a physician who will perform diagnostic examinations. For individuals who have already been diagnosed with psoriasis, it is essential to consult your physician if specific changes like pain, discomfort, difficulty performing routine tasks, severe change in the skin’s appearance, joint pains, joint problems, and swelling. If the medication you are taking does not minimize the effect of the symptoms or the symptoms get worse, a physician should be immediately consulted.
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