Now that many of us are staying home more because of the COVID-19 pandemic, household messes are increasing and parents across the country are trying to figure out ways to keep their houses in order before the mess gets out of control.
Reading books about decluttering or reorganizing can provide some good advice, but you may need some actionable strategies to ensure your house stays clean and tidy. Here are three tips to keep your house in order during this tumultuous time.
1. Ensure your major home appliances are all in working order.
There is nothing worse than going to start a load of laundry in the washing machine only to find that it is not functioning properly. Getting behind on your laundry is an easy way for clutter to begin building up, so contacting a technician from Oregon Appliance Repair may be a good first step. They can check your washing machine, your refrigerator, freezer, dryer, dishwasher, and other appliances to ensure everything is working well. Avoid laundry pileups by being proactive in your appliance care and scheduling any needed appliance repair visits. Your appliances keep your home running properly, and now is not the time to let them break beyond repair.
2. Declutter by removing items you have not used in a year.
Many of us have a tendency to hang onto items that we do not use frequently because we fear that we may need them someday. However, if you have not used something in a year, chances are that you probably will not need that item. For example, if you have an exercise bike sitting in an unused corner of the room that has turned into a de facto clothing rack, consider getting rid of it to free up space.
Decluttering can often bring a sense of accomplishment and can also be energizing, according to Psychology Today. Cleaning an area can also help in reducing anxiety, which is something many people can use right now during this stressful pandemic. It also gives you some physical activity and gets us away from binging Netflix shows all day. Once you have decluttered, you will be better able to assess the space you have in your home and decide what you can and cannot feasibly store there.
3. Designate a place where everyone can put their things.
If you have children, then it is inevitable that their toys, books, and other clutter have slowly invaded the rest of the house as they are staying home more often due to the coronavirus. While it is understandable that they would expand their play area during this time, that extra clutter everywhere may only be contributing to your higher stress level. Every parent or guardian knows the pain of unexpectedly stepping on a Lego at night. Instead of getting stressed out about clutter, designate an area where everyone in the house should be putting their things.
Children should keep their toys and books in their room in a toy box or on a bookshelf, rather than all over the living room or family room. Parents, in turn, should make sure their books are in a certain location and that all electronics are stored properly. This will help children know where to find certain items and will give parents peace of mind. Plus, if you are organized, your children will feel more compelled to follow suit.
Keeping your house in order may not be as easy right now as it has been in the past, but by following some simple rules, it may be easier to at least keep the peace. Declutter the house, keep everyone’s things organized, and check your appliances regularly to save yourself some headaches later on down the road.
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