During this unprecedented time, schools across the United States and around the world have been shuttered to help safeguard students, families, and school staff, as well as slow the spread of Covid-19. The Washington Post reports that schools for more than 90% of enrolled students worldwide have closed since the pandemic began.
With these closures, parents have often had to assume the role of their childrens’ teacher. While most schools are offering virtual education options, the parents are often relied upon to continue the learning process once the online classes have finished. But as all children are now having to adapt to online learning, even students who have never struggled in school before are now encountering difficulties. The tips below will help your child learn during the coronavirus pandemic.
Talk to the teacher.
Having an open dialogue with your children’s teachers will help you gain a complete picture of where your child is and where they need to be academically. The teacher’s feedback can also help you figure out if your child will need occasional support or consistent help to get through their lessons. As the teacher, they’ll have been interacting with your child online and will have an idea of how they are doing. They should be able to give you information on what may help your child be more successful while they learn online.
Understand what your child needs.
After talking to your child’s teacher, compare what they said with what you have been seeing. As their teacher at home, you should also have some knowledge of how they are performing. Try to pinpoint where you think they are struggling and in what areas you feel they require the most help. Finally, speak with your child about online learning and ask them how they think they are doing. Making your child a part of the process will also help them be more open to the idea of getting extra help.
Consider online tutoring options.
It can be challenging to keep kids focused on schoolwork during this school closure, but parents can turn to online tutoring resources for help. This contactless method of instruction can help sharpen your child’s skills from the comfort and safety of your home. Many of these online services will offer homework help and tutoring. Several services offer content specific tutoring such as math tutoring online. Their proven methods and techniques make them some of the best online tutors. Whether your child needs help with high school calculus math homework or introductory algebra, a good math tutor can be a major asset for just about any math subject.
Inquire about the overall strategy.
Regardless of the number of online tutoring organizations you look into, you will need to ask each one about their overall strategy and approach to tutoring. The ultimate goal is to get your child to a point when they either do not need a tutor as regularly or even need one at all. You will want the tutor or program to help your child gain the skills they need to learn independently.
Work together.
During this uncertain time, life as we know it has been turned completely upside down. As adults, our daily routines, habits, and schedules have all shifted. For children, everything that they have come to know about how the world works is no longer as it was. It will be imperative during this time to support your child and work with them through the ups and downs of online learning.
The most important thing that you can do to help your child learn during the Coronavirus pandemic is to learn with them. With schools closed, children are not just having to learn in isolation, they’re also missing out on the social aspect of school. Although this is all new for both of you, if you do it together, your child will not feel as isolated and distanced from their education, and in turn, you will be able to help navigate the process. Together, you and your child can get through this rough time without any negative impacts on their education.
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