Why do you go green?
Is it because you want to see the world flourish? You can make small daily changes that will add up over time and also make a big change like solar panels. Both small and big changes will contribute to saving our environment. To learn more about making a big change like solar panels, read this article.
Are you nervous for what could become if you don’t do your part?
Is it simply to lower your costs?
We all have our motivations for going green but no matter what those are here is a list of the top 10 ways to go green:
Carpool to work
By jumping in a car pool you are cutting the amount of gas used by 2, 3 or even 4 times depending on how many people are in the car. This will greatly help reduce emissions but it will also help you save money. Imagine your gas cost being 25% of what you spend now.
Change the lights in your house to LED
LED lights use roughly 75% less energy than normal incandescent light bulbs. Over the years the price of these lights have decreased drastically. To replace all the lights in your house would likely be between $100-$200 and they will last much longer than traditional light bulbs too.
Replace old appliances
By replacing older appliances with energy star appliances you will save on electricity usage. Energy star appliances use typically between 10-50% less energy than normal appliances.
Turn off your computers when your not using them
Even in energy saving sleep mode they still use electricity. By turning them off there is no electricity used
Do not leave cell phone and laptop cords plugged in when not using them
While it is just a little bit of electricity that these cords use while not in use it does add up. Each cord’s usage is about $2/year but think of that compound effect for our entire population.
Use reusable bags when you go to the grocery store
No need to produce more plastic bags and simply throw them out. The more we reuse the less we need.
Hang your clothes out to dry
Using a dryer costs a lot of money. Let the air and sun dry your clothes out is much more energy efficient. Not to mention it is less damaging on your clothes than having them tumble around in a cylinder.
Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water
Again the less we have to produce, the less energy we have to use and the less space we need to get rid of all of the waste. Also, we are unbelievably lucky to have the freshest, safest water in the world right from our taps. There are also plenty of water filters available for your tap or fridge!
Sign up for e-bills whenever you can.
E-bills are a great way to start to go paperless. Less paper means less trees cut down. Wouldn’t you rather go on hikes in the forest than in a barren wasteland
Image Source: https://sunly.ca/
Get Solar Panels!
Produce your own electricity to power your entire lifestyle. By producing solar electricity you are harnessing an energy source that is 100% sustainable. The sun is never going away, so it can give us an unlimited amount of energy as long as we harness it properly through solar panels.
Governments are giving out rebates for energy efficient projects like installing solar panels on roofs. Nova Scotia and PEI both have rebate programs available to help make solar affordable for their residents. Efficiency PEI and Efficiency NS are great resources that not only guide you through ways to reduce your electricity usage but are also the main channel to apply for government specific energy efficiency rebate programs.
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