There are so many different reasons to save energy in your home. For one thing, it does help to bring the cost of running your household quite a bit. However, more importantly, doing this will make you more socially responsible.
Now, admittedly, it isn’t financially feasible to make changes to your entire home. Therefore, you need to focus on the most important areas of your home. Making the necessary replacements in these spots will make all the difference. Here is where you should get started:
The Furnace
If you live in a slightly older house, then there is a good chance that your furnace is rather ancient. Although it may be in good condition, it probably isn’t all that efficient. In fact, it is probably guzzling up quite a bit of power, every time that it is turned on.
This is why you should consider making a switch to a condensing furnace, with an efficiency of at least 90 percent. Unlike the older counterparts, the new furnaces waste up to 25 percent less gas. This way, you could save close to 30 percent on your heating bill! As you can see, this isn’t an opportunity that you should let slip by you.
The Windows
Are you aware of just how much your windows are responsible for insulation? Well, they actually play a huge role in ensuring that warm or cold air doesn’t escape from your house. If they do their job properly, then you don’t have to have the heating or the air conditioning on as much. This automatically cuts down on how much power you use. However, this is only provided that you have Energy star windows.
So, if your glass panes are a bit on the older side, it is time for a replacement. Fortunately, this process is fairly simple. In most instances, it is just a matter of calling up the best windows companies in Winnipeg and asking for a quotation.
Incandescent Light Bulbs
Another move that you should make is to replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps. Now, one of the reasons that homeowners hesitate to do is because CFL bulbs can often cost a few dollars more. However, this initial cost is nothing compared to how much money these bulbs can save you in the long run.
For one thing, these bulbs last for much longer, often up to 100,000 hours. Therefore, you will not have to buy new ones nearly as often. If this wasn’t enough of a reason, these bulbs also use a great deal less power. This means that your electricity bill will be a lot lower as well.
The Refrigerator
You don’t need to be told that your refrigerator can use quite a bit of power. Add to this, it is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This can add up to quite a lot. So, although it may be initially more expensive, you should think about upgrading to a more energy efficient appliance.
These are the top replacements that you should make in your own home. You will be able to see the positive results of these changes fairly soon.
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