Of course, all vacations should include a certain amount of adventure, but if you are more used to sitting by the poolside, sipping a Margarita and occasionally swimming a few leisurely laps to try and convince yourself that you are exercising, it may be time for you to learn about the benefits of real adventure travel.
Now, before you start worrying that you have to be skydiving out of an airplane or white-water rafting to be able to say you are going on an adventure vacation, there are, in fact, many different ways that you can incorporate adventure travel into your vacation style.
Plus, you won’t believe how beneficial adventure travel can be for your physical, mental, and even spiritual wellbeing.
You will be exercising without even realizing it
If you choose a luxury cruise for your next vacation or a 5-star hotel, the chances are there will be a gym available, but will you use it? Or, will you spend the next week promising to work out, not going, and then feeling guilty? No-one wants to feel pressurized on their vacation, especially not to exercise.
However, with an adventure vacation, whatever activities you choose to do, or places you pick to explore, you will most likely be inadvertently moving more, getting your heart rate up and improving your overall physical health. Plus, you will enjoy it!
You can gain a new perspective on life
Again, simply relaxing on the beach is not likely to lead to a lightbulb moment surrounding your life’s goals now, is it? However, if you are hiking in a national park or trekking in the Amazon rainforest, it is distinctly possible that you might take a moment or two to self-reflect and evaluate your life.
There is nothing quite like a bit of perspective for getting you thinking about the bigger picture and your place in the world.
You will sleep better
How often do you go on vacation and come back feeling like you need another one? Sometimes trying too hard to relax can have the opposite effect, resulting in you being unable to disconnect and struggling to sleep. Plus, overindulging is common on most holidays, with too much alcohol and rich foods playing havoc with your sleeping patterns.
However, if you embark on an adventure travel trip, you will sleep like a baby, guaranteed. A combination of fast-paced activities, fresh air and the excitement of experiencing something new will mean you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.
You will experience gratitude
Often adventure travel involves having to travel from one destination to another slowly. This could either be by renting a car with E-Z Rental Car to get from A to B or even by undertaking some of the journey by foot. Although this may seem time-consuming, there are several benefits to this type of travel; a different change of pace can be good for your mental wellbeing, offering you the chance to really stop and take note of your natural surroundings and appreciate the world around you.
You will feel less stressed
You may think that taking on a huge physical challenge or pushing yourself outside your comfort zone would cause stress, not diminish it, but the opposite is true. The simple act of being outside and connecting with nature can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety as well as lower your blood pressure and calm your mind.
If you do not already practice the act of mindfulness, then embarking on an adventure travel vacation is the perfect time to start. Simply be mindful of your breathing, your surroundings and focus on feeling calm and relaxed. You will be amazed at how refreshed and less stressed you feel after.
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