When you take out a credit card, one thing you must do is to ensure you find the one that is best suited to your needs, financial situation, and lifestyle. There are lots of different card options out there these days and choosing the right one can benefit you financially. You can get balance transfer cards, interest-free cards with an extended 0 percent period, and rewards credit cards, to name but a few.
When it comes to the latter, many people decide to go for these cards because of the huge range of rewards on offer. In addition to earning rewards for using the card, you can also benefit from additional perks such as bonuses, and these can help to ramp up your points or rewards balance considerably. By making sure you find out how you can earn credit card bonuses, you can make the most of your card. In this article, we will look at some of the common ways in which you can often get bonuses on your rewards credit card.
Some Common Ways to Earn Bonuses
There are a number of common ways in which you can earn bonuses on your rewards credit card, although you do need to check with the specific card you are interested in. Some of the main ones that many rewards credit cards offer are:
Signing Up and Using the Card
One of the ways in which you can earn bonuses with many rewards credit cards is by simply signing up and using the card as a new customer. Some card providers offer a very generous lump sum of points if you meet their criteria with regard to spending a specified minimum amount in a specific time period. This does not mean you have to just spend and spend and end up in debt. You can just use the card to spend on regular things you would normally buy and then use the cash you would have used for these things to repay the card balance and avoid interest.
Referring Friends
Another way in which many rewards credit cards enable you to earn bonus points is by referring friends who then sign up for a credit card and start using it. This is a great way to earn bonus points if you know lots of people, as you can earn the points for each friend you refer. If your friends do decide to sign up, your points balance could rocket as a result.
Spending on Specific Products or Services
There are also rewards credit cards that enable you to earn extra points if you use your card to make specified purchases. It is worth checking whether your card offers anything like this, as you can then use the card to purchase specific products or services instead of using cash. This then helps to boost your points balance and means that you get even more back for using your credit card.
These are some of the ways you can get bonuses on your credit card.
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