A lot of organizations require drug tests for either their clients or employees or similar entities. Places like schools, various businesses, or hospitals and clinics to name a few, all require drug testing.
These kinds of tests vary contingent on the type of drug being tested and the type of specimen being collected. Things that can be collected are urine, saliva, hair, and even sweat can be used as test specimens.
Why Test for Drugs?
The reason why tests are done is to check for traces of certain types of drugs that may or may not be considered as psychotic and can cause hindrances to many scenarios, for instance, if hiring an employee in a business that involves legal or health matters such as Law or Medicine. A lot of companies are however striving to create drug free workplaces to encourage better working and living conditions. More information about this can be found on this online source https://www.samhsa.gov/workplace/toolkit
The drugs tested are marijuana, phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamines, cocaine, and opioids.
Studies have shown that many adults who use illegal drugs are employed either in full-time or part-time jobs and when compared to those who do not use any substances the below results were found in their conclusions:
- Have been known to be involved in a workplace accident or to potentially harm other colleagues
- They have been found to be less productive in the work environment
- They have a tendency of changing jobs frequently
- Have filed workers’ compensation claims more than others
- Have been found to be absent or late from work
How to Help Yourself
So, if you are in any one of the above scenarios and need to get a drug test done, perhaps after a heavy weekend of alcohol and recreational drugs. There are a few things you can do to help you get clean before you take the test. It is a straightforward and pain-free solution, which is temporary but can help for times when you need it.
This simple solution is a detox drink, which is made for you to drink before any test screening and has been known to make a lot of people pass it successfully.
These types of detoxification drinks, when ingested, do not cleanse your entire circulatory system, rather they eliminate any toxins so that they do not get detected by the tests.
What Detox Drinks Have in Them
These drinks are made using mostly natural products so you don’t need to worry about ingesting chemicals that may be harmful to your body. For example, some of the popular brands have ingredients such as Burdock Root, which works as a diuretic and blood cleansing properties. It is also known as a powerhouse of a lot of other benefits such as being high in antioxidants and treat some skin issues. Find out more about this here.
These drinks also have other vitamins and minerals such as Chromium, Riboflavin, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Biotin, Niacin, Potassium, Thiamin, and Vitamins B12, D, C to name a few, and all of these combined into one will help rid your body of any toxins before any drug test, and as soon as three hours before your appointment.
Another great benefit of these cleansing drinks is that they can also help to bring your body back into a balanced state. They support 4 crucial factors in this cleansing process i.e. digestive, urinary, circulatory, and restorative health. There are stronger ones made from different herbs that are created for people who have higher toxic levels than the average, and this category needs to be taken from 24 hours to 1 week beforehand, to give it enough time to work.
The only downside of these liquids is that they may not taste good. But then not everything good for you is also good for your taste buds. It is important to note that when choosing this option, you need to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible and drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. It may make you feel a bit sick, but if it does the job and will help you in the long run, there is no harm in taking them.
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