For Mark Hochberg NYU doctor, this pandemic has been harder than it has been for most, but such is the mark of the man, he has been constantly optimistic and positive throughout this situation and his positivity is something which has helped me immeasurably. Mark has been putting in long days and still found the time to help those around him, and much of that has been trying to get more of us to look after our health. This same message is something which I want to extend to all of you at the moment, and just how important it is that you take care of your physical and mental health.
CoVid Risk
Something which we have clearly seen from the figures around CoVid-19 is that the people who are most negatively affected by it are those who are old, those who are ill and those who are unhealthy. This is not to say that you will be less likely to get the virus if you are healthy, although a strong immune system is always something which can help, it is about your ability to fight the virus and how negatively you may be affected by it when you contract it.
Risk of Weight Gain
Something else which you will certainly run the risk of during quarantine is gaining weight, and it is easy in reality for all of us to fall into that trap. The dangers are that we are not burning calories like we would normally do and there is much bigger temptation than ever to relax on the sofa and fill our faces, which of course is not going to do us very much good at all. Added to all of this is the difficulty which many of us are facing and so many of us, when faced with a downturn in mental wellbeing, will look towards the fridge or the cupboard for some comfort food, and of course this isn’t going to help in the long term. There is nothing wrong with having the odd naughty day but in the main loo to try and stay on top of a healthy diet, using the additional time that you have to help make sure that you keep those pounds off.
Mental Wellbeing
Something else which Doctor Mark has spoken to me a lot about is mental wellbeing and this is something that everyone should be conscious of. We need to put ourselves in a position where we do not feel as though we are in some kind of jail, or that things will never get better because they certainly will. Looking after mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health and that is why you should remember to take time for you, to relax, to do things you enjoy, to learn a new skill or to simply allow yourself to feel frustration rather than bottling it up.
Keep yourself as healthy as possible during this tough time.
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